I want to make one thing abundantly clear: I have no clue what this website will turn out to be, nor do I have any clear goals in mind for what I want to do here, with the possible exception of just making a cool place to post things. It may turn out to be a portfolio of cool things that I've come up with, it may just turn into an abstract cyberpunk-y art piece. It may evolve into a full-fledged blog of a sort, seeing as I'm currently working on the back-end for writing/editing/displaying posts.
But, realistically, it's just a place online that I happen to own, and I decided to write some code because coding is one thing that I'm pretty good at, and something I do in my free time to unwind (after a long day of writing code professionally. Yeah, I'm that kind of nerd)
A quick history of this domain: I bought this domain and started working on this project back in 2021 as a tool for tracking and managing a Shadowrun campaign. But that campaign died before I could even attempt to convince people to use this site. Which left me owning a domain and having cool ideas that I would poke around with off and on for a few years
Now, here we are in 2023 2024. Cyberpunk2077 is a good game (finally), and some friends were thinking of
starting a CyberpunkRED campaign. Great! I have some tools sitting around half finished for a different
system, but I'll start work on them! Until, of course, the struggle became real and that game died
without even rolling a single die.
But, I mean... I have the domain, I have the tools, I have the server... Let's just make something for the sake of making something! Let's have some fun with it! Let's spend too much time and effort working on a BBS (the proper terminal-only kind), learning how to make ANSI art, and writing a Web Application for something that could easily have just been a static HTML page! Why? Because I can! Because it's fun! Because I want to really wrap my head around the technology that I work with daily and build something from scrath just to prove that I can!
I don't know what I'm going to put here, but I'm sure that I'll figure something out eventually.
Would you expect anything less from a guy who used to fall asleep to the sound of his mom dialing into Compuserve forums, and who started learning to program in QBASIC on a Windows 3.1 laptop? Right here, surrounded by code, writing an application for fun rather than profit... This is my happy place. Let's make something cool to be proud of.